Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Silly Daughter

I haven't been on here for a while, but I just wanted to prove to everyone that I am still breathing. I thought I would add some photos of Lydia that we have taken over the past week or so.

What a messy girl!

This is Lydia at her first "Peapod" Story time at the Bedford Library

Lydia hugging her huggies. I had made a video clip of this and we sent it to America's Funniest Home Videos

Here Lydia is sharing her night time snack of "Goldfish" with her special "nightnight" teddy.


  1. Story time at the library sounds like fun to me! And I love the messy face pic- classic! Definitley save that one for her wedding.

  2. I remember you showing me the huggies funny!

  3. Lydia is growing up so quickly! Loved the picture of her sitting on the mat... too cute:).
