This evening, we faced a very scary situation. Daniel had only been home for a few minutes. I was finishing fixing dinner and he was cleaning up some stuff and putting it in our closet. Suddenly, there was banging and shouting coming from the upstairs apartment. I called to Daniel, "They're at it again." The same thing happened a couple weeks ago, but this time it got a lot worse. Soon, a woman was screaming and I shouted for Daniel to call the police. Instead, he threw open the front door and bounded up the stairs to the second floor apartment. He banged on the door to be sure he got their attention. I grabbed the phone, but was so nervous I couldn't remember how to dial on my husband's cell. The people opened the door, and Daniel shouted, "Hey, what's going on here." He said one woman was hitting the man with a frying pan, while the other had blood on her face. I was so afraid for Daniel. The man was shouting and one of the women were saying, "Why are you doing this to us?" Just then the police arrived and called for Daniel to back away. The officer took the stair 3 at a time, and Daniel came back down. Soon an ambulance and some more police arrived. We didn't hear anything else. Hopefully, the woman has not sustained too bad injuries and that horrible man is locked up for a long time.
Oh my goodness! That would be a littls scary! Hopefully they are all ok!